Frontline Wellness United Sends Volunteers to Tijuana

Frontline Wellness United Sends Volunteers to Tijuana

Frontline Wellness United is committed to the wellness of non-violent activists working towards social, environmental and civil justice. As an international nonprofit medical-aid society we fulfill a vital need amongst these often underserved frontline communities. What became clear to us early on in this work is that activists don’t always think of themselves as activists. Sometimes, people are thrown into situations where fighting for their Universal Human Rights is linked directly to their survival. This is very much the case of the migrants from South America who are gathered on the other side of our nation’s southern border waiting to apply for asylum.

Salt Lake City celebrates its first Indigenous Peoples' Day

Salt Lake City celebrates its first Indigenous Peoples' Day

Salt Lake City’s first official Indigenous Peoples' Day brought members of varied tribal affiliations to brave the evening chill of Utah’s fall weather and gather together in celebration. The event comes a mere six days after Salt Lake City’s Council voted in favor of a resolution proclaiming the second Monday in October as Indigenous People’s Day.